Anxiety Around Which CBD Product To Choose
Anxiety around which CBD product to choose
Lots of people are anxious about choosing the right CBD product. Anxiety around which CBD product to choose is easily solved by purchasing your Cannabidiol CBD products from a trusted supplier and Enjoy CBD UK are leaders in bringing superior CBD products to the UK market and Europe.
Why choose Enjoy CBD UK for your CBD (Cannabidiol) requirements
When we decided to get into the CBD (Cannabidiol) oil market back in the day, we decided there was no point in selling every product that was available on the market. It was like a minefield, with little or no regulation, and lots of obscure stuff added to CBD products. Also, most products being sold were not in tune with our ethos of only supplying the highest quality CBD oil products to the UK market and Europe.
The first thing that Enjoy CBD UK undertook was a year-long research project to ascertain what cannabis strains were used in the production of high quality CBD products. We also wanted to know where these strains were cultivated and grown and where the very best end products containing CBD oil came from. Most importantly, we wanted to know what percentage of CBD those products actually contained. No point in spending lots of hard earned cash only to spend it on inferior cannabidiol content – after all that is why we were seeking to get into the CBD market in the first place! Also, we felt that if our customers had one bad experience of buying a product that had little or no CBD in it, that would be the last we would see of them!
To grow our business we felt that trust, great customer service and genuine empathy with our customers, had to be at the core of the business.
Leaving all that aside, we certainly didn’t want our customers to have anxiety around which CBD product to choose simply because they didn’t understand what CBD was, or if it was right for them to consider as part of their daily health conscious routine.
Which CBD oil product in the UK should I choose
Well in all honesty we think our own brand Enjoy CBD Premium Cannabidiol CBD or NuLeaf Naturals are the very best CBD oils on the market today.
Enjoy CBD Premium CBD Oil 250mg / 10ml is ideal for beginners
Whole plant extract CBD oil supplement. It’s highly refined formula meets the rigorous standards required by pharmacists and healthcare professionals. Enjoy CBD Premium CBD oil is regulated by the FSA (Food Standards Agency) and perfect for all users. Developed from Cannabis Sativa L. extract, enriched with hundreds of cannabis terpenes, which are an essential component of good quality Cannabidiol.
Enjoy CBD Premium CBD Oil 500mg / 10ml is ideal for every day use
High grade whole plant extract, developed from premium Cannabis Sativa L. extract, enriched with hundreds of terpenes, essential for all-round good health. The 500mg has a higher concentration of CBD than the 250mg.
Enjoy CBD Premium CBD Oil 1000mg / 10ml – same volume per bottle but a stronger concentration of CBD per ml
Enjoy CBD recommend the 1000mg Premium CBD oil for those who use CBD on a regular basis, and for those who are wishing to target specific ailments where a higher concentration of CBD may be required. The 1000mg has a higher concentration of CBD than either the 500mg or the 250mg.
NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil – 300mg Hemp Extract 5ml. NuLeaf Naturals full spectrum CBD oil – 300mg high grade hemp extract has 60mg per 1ml with a total of 5ml per bottle. This product is made from non GMO hemp plants grown on select farms in Colorado, USA. NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil is a whole plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.
NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil – 900mg Hemp Extract 15ml. NuLeaf Naturals full spectrum CBD Oil – 900mg high grade hemp extract has 60mg per 1ml with a total of 15ml per bottle. This product is made from non GMO hemp plants grown on select farms in Colorado, USA. NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil is a whole plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.
NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil – 1800mg Hemp Extract 30ml. NuLeaf Naturals full spectrum CBD Oil – 1800mg high grade hemp extract has 60mg per 1ml with a total of 30ml per bottle. This product is made from non GMO hemp plants grown on select farms in Colorado, USA. NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil is a whole plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.
NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil – 3000mg Hemp Extract 50ml. NuLeaf Naturals full spectrum CBD Oil – 3000mg high grade hemp extract has 60mg per 1ml with a total of 50ml per bottle. This product is made from non GMO hemp plants grown on select farms in Colorado, USA. NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil is a whole plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.
NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil- 6000mg Hemp Extract 100ml. NuLeaf Naturals full spectrum CBD Oil – 6000mg high grade hemp extract has 60mg per 1ml with a total of 100ml per bottle. This product is made from non GMO hemp plants grown on select farms in Colorado, USA. NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil is a whole plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring synergistic cannabinoids and terpenes.
All of NuLeaf Naturals wellness products are lab-tested for quality and purity. Their products are considered amongst the very best on the market today and come recommended by MumsNet.
CBD extracted from hemp plants is non-psychoactive, rich in cannabinoids, allowing the benefits of multiple plant compounds to work together in the body.
The importance of Terpenes (whole plant)
The importance of whole plant extract cannot be emphasised enough, as great cannabidiol should be full of terpenes. It is the terpenes that give the product its natural hemp aroma, colour and flavour. Terpenes are a large and diverse class of organic compounds produced by a variety of plants and are also major biosynthetic building blocks. Terpenes act on receptors and neurotransmitters in the brain affecting serotonin and dopamine activity.
Serotonin is an amino acid which enters your body through your diet and is commonly found in foods such as nuts, cheese and CBD (Cannabidiol), together with serotonin levels in the brain is said to enhance cognitive skills as well as the pain relieving properties that CBD is known for.
The importance of terpenes in CBD is also relevant because they interact with your endocannabinoid system (ECS) in assisting many beneficial cannabinoids to enter your bloodstream. The ECS is a vast network of cell signalling systems which was identified back in the 60s, regulating and controlling the most critical bodily functions such as memory, sleep, body temperature and many other functions – it is known as the body’s homeostatic regulator. The maintenance of healthy blood pressure is an example of homeostasis – so when the body is out of sync through illness and stress it may need some help in bringing it back to homeostasis and active terpenes can be a part of that balancing act to help bring calm to the overstressed body…