French Court Ruling on CBD
French Court Ruling on CBD has just hit the Newswires
Its about time that CBD was fully legalised around the world, since that would put a stop to fake, and potentially dangerous, CBD products being consumed by the unsuspecting public.
Today, is perhaps a date that should be diarised as a great day for common sense… a ruling by the EU Court of Justice on CBD could potentially have massive implications for the rest of the European market, including the UK. Enjoy CBD has always been of the opinion that enabling the safe manufacture of high quality CBD products, although needing regulation, could help to pay for the NHS as CBD could, no doubt, be worth billions to economies around the world, including the UK. There is so much anecdotal evidence out there surrounding the many health benefits of taking high quality CBD as part of your daily ‘wellness’ regimen…
Kanavape were very brave to take on the ‘big boys‘ and have just won a round against the Criminal Court of Marseille – the original case stated that Kanavape’s CBD was not legal within France. Back in May a case was brought against Kanavape and their products as their CBD was grown in the Czech Republic using the entirety of the plant and this is against French Law. Apparently only the fibre and seeds of the hemp plant may be used for commercial purposes there and when the case was brought before the Criminal Court of Marseille the defendants were issued with a suspended sentence and ordered to pay a 10,000 euro fine. Now a Court of Appeal has overturned the decision after consulting with EU legislators…. yippee – that’s good for common sense isn’t it? There are far too many legislators who are stuck in the past and who don’t move with the times – CBD has been legal in the USA and lots of other countries for years now… especially as the THC content of CBD products produced from the Cannabis Sativa industrial hemp plant is only 0.2% so you can’t overdose on it….
The Ruling States: “CBD extracts from ‘industrial hemp‘, including flowers are permitted and can be moved within the free market under trade regulations. These products are outside the UN Single Convention on Narcotics* (point 74) if they are below the limits set for THC content (0.2%)…
If you know your geography, the Czech Republic is part of the EU and they joined the EU back in 2004…. so if industrial hemp Cannabis Sativa (including the whole plant) is legal in the Czech Republic, then it follows that it must be legal in France also, as the whole of the EU has to follow EU legislation which goes over the head of national legislation….
This is a massive win for Kanavape, but ultimately it is a massive win for the CBD retail industry and CBD advocates around Europe. This case sets a precedent for other EU countries to fight their own potential battles in the knowledge that the Court of Justice, under EU legislation, goes over the head of national legislation in this regard.
Following this case CBD cannot be viewed as a ‘narcotic drug’ making reference to two UN conventions – the convention on Psychotropic Substances and the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
This EU decision will have huge ramifications for the future of jobs in the UK as potentially there could be thousands of jobs created to support the CBD market – from farming to manufacture/processing and distribution and if we, as a nation, can get this right, there is no reason why our national debt couldn’t be cancelled much earlier than our great grand children’s generation!!